What can be treated with homeopathy?
Homeopathic remedies work on an holistic basis, ie. a well chosen remedy helps correct an imbalance of health at the deepest levels, so at the source of whatever symptoms are showing from this imbalance. Therefore, whether the chief complaint is mental, emotional, or physical, decisive improvements can be achieved, and have been achieved on a very consistent basis for over two hundred years since the discovery of homeopathy.
How long will my consultation take?
The initial consultation will be one hour and a half in length, and so to get to know you as an individual, and in as fully rounded sense as required to decide on the most accurate choice of remedy. Subsequent appointments will be of 45 minutes duration, and there will be at least one month between appointments, to allow full assessment of the action of the remedy being used.
Will I have to take my clothes off?
A full medical examination isn't required by the homeopath, so there is no need for any undressing. We do of course take full note and consideration of your medical records, and any medications, and use observation generally to assess the condition of patients.
Can I use homeopathy if I’m already taking medicine from my doctor?
Yes, as there is no danger whatsoever of any adverse reaction between any GP medication and a homeopathic remedy. It is also protocol during treatment, that any decisions regarding medications from a GP, are kept strictly between the patient and GP.
Will I have to buy medicine as well as paying the consultation fee?
The cost of the remedy, and postage, is included in the consultation price. .
Is homeopathy safe if I’m pregnant?
Yes, and in fact, the baby will receive the benefits bestowed upon the mother by the suitable remedy during pregnancy.
Can babies be treated?
Yes, any age group can benefit from homeopathy.
For more information you might want to visit the website of the Society of Homeopaths
To book an appointment, please contact us on:
Telephone number: 0750 4101940.